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  The Transactions of the Aeronautical and Astronautical Society of the Republic of China publishes contributed research papers on (a) tutorial and/or review papers in all areas of aeronautical and astonautical science and technology, and (b) related subjects of broad interests to the society members. The contributed paper should include new development, improvement, or application of theoretical/experimental/numerical methods. All papers submitted are referred by experts who will advise the editor on the matter of acceptance on the basis of merit, originality and content of the paper. Only those papers that are highly recommended will be accepted, and this Journal reserves the right to accept the paper either as a full paper or as a research note. A research note usually involves direct applications of known methods with limited scope or preliminary findings of ongoing investigations. If the paper is accepted, the authors will be responsible for proof-reading. Thirty reprints of each paper will be provided to the authors free of charge.
In order to avoid delay in review process, the prospective authors are recommended to follow the guidelines below.

1. Submission of Manuscripts:  
  Four copies of contributed manuscripts should be sent to:
Prof. Chin-E Lin
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Cheng Kung University,
Tainan, Taiwan 701, ROC
In order to facilitate the review process, the contributors may supply the names and contact information (mailing and e-mail address, phone and fax number) of up to five suggested reviewers for editor's reference.
2. Length:  
  The text of a full paper normally should not exceed 8 printed pages in the Transactions. A research note should not exceed 6 printed pages. There is a mandatory excess-page charge of NT$2,000 per page for each exceeding page.
3. Paper:  
  Use white paper, 21.5 cm × 28 cm (A4) in size.
4. Writing:  
  Papers can be written in Chinese or English. Effective and concise writing is requested. Universally accepted abbreviations and symbols may be used without further definition, but nonstandard abbreviations must be defined at the point where the first such abbreviations occur. English writing is highly recommended for the Journal's future development. If the authors need assistance in editing English manuscripts, please contact the K. T. Li Foundation for Development of Science and Technology (http://www.ktli.org.tw).
5. Typing:  
  Typing should be double-spaced, single column throughout only on one side of the paper. Keep lines fairly uniform and leave 2.5-4 cm margins on all sides. Once the contributed paper is accepted for publication, the authors are required to provide electronic version (in Microsoft Word) of the manuscripts for the convenience of publishing work.
6. Title & Author:  
  Use a clear and descriptive title. The title of the paper should be concise, informative and in capital letters. The author's name and affiliation should appear below the title.

7. Abstract:  
  Each paper should have abstracts (not exceeding 200 words) in both Chinese and English. They should be at the beginning of the manuscript. They should not only indicate the subject and scope of coverage but also, in the case of research papers, give major results and conclusions. For those authors who are not familiar with Chinese, the titles and abstracts of their papers will be translated into Chinese by the editorial office.
8. Keywords:  
  Several keywords (not more than 4 words) for the paper should be given below the abstract.
9. Text Format:  
  The title of each section should be numbered by I, II, III and placed in the middle of a line. Titles of sub-sections are placed to the left with or without a preceding number.
10. Equations and mathematical Formulas:  
  All equations and mathematical formulas should by typewritten or written clearly in ink. Equations should be numbered serially on the right hand side by Arabic numerals in parentheses. Leave as much space as possible above and below all of the mathematical expressions.
11. Units:  
   The International System of Units (SI system) should be used. Where desirable, non-metric equivalents can be included in parentheses.
12. Illustrations:  
Refer to all illustrations (tables and figures) in the text. Ordinary photocopies of figures and tables are usually adequate for review purposes. The authors are requested to submit professional quality illustrations (tables and figures) with sharp lines and good contrast. Drafting or art services are not provided by the Transactions. Once the paper is accepted, the authors should promptly supply original copies (or electronic files) of all of the illustrations, line drawings drafted in ink on white or drawing paper, and photographs on glossy pagers. All illustrations, photographs, tables, etc. should be numbered, titled and have descriptive captions. The figure number and author's name should be clearly indicated on the reverse side of each illustration. Illustrations may be reduced to a 8-cm column width. It is therefore important that lettering be legible after reduction by as much as 4:1.
13. Acknowledgments:  
  Acknowledgments should be kept in minimum words and be given as a paragraph at the end of the text.
14. Nomenclature:  
  All symbols and units should be listed in English and in alphabetical order with indication of their meaning and dimensions.
15. References:  
  References should be numbered in the order in which they are cited at the end of the manuscript in the following form (same as in the AIAA Journal):
For an authored book:
[1] Huenecke, K., Modern Combat Aircraft Design. Annapolis, Maryland, Naval Institute Press, 1987, Ch. 13, pp. 237-249.
For an article in an edited book:
[2] Wittman, J. H., "Analysis of a Hybrid Frequency-Time Hopping Random Access Satellite Communication System," Spread Spectrum Techniques, R. C. Dixon, Ed., New York, NY, IEEE Press, 1976, pp. 193-200.
For a Journal:
[3] Pekins, C. D., "Development of Airplane Stability and Control Technology," Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 7, No. 4, July-August 1970, pp. 290-301.
For a conference record:
[4] Bakker, J. T., "Effect of Control System Delays on Fighter Flying Qualities," AGARD Conference Proceedings, No. 333, 1982, pp. 18-1 to 18-16.
For an unpublished conference paper:
[5] Wade, G., "Ultraside-Spectrum Imaging Using the Ogden Model 7779 System," presented at the 1980 Southern IEEE Conf., Santa Barbara, CA, Mar. 19, 1980.
For a technical report:
[6] Medioni, G. R., "Segmentation of Images into Regions Using Edge Information," Tech. Rep. 101, Intelligent Systems Group, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Mar. 1983.
16. Galley Proofs:  
  Authors will receive galley-proofs of their papers to check on correct printings. Keep alterations to a minimum, and use red color pen only to make any necessary corrections.
17. Publication Charges:  
  Papers accepted for publication in the Transactions are subject to a page charge of NT$400(US$15) per journal page and an excess-page charge of NT$2000(US$75) per additional page over eight journal pages for a full paper ( or six journal pages for a research note). If color plots are needed, the authors will be assessed at a color-page charge of NT$2000(US$75) per page.